🔸 Shot Peening of engine turbine blades, landing gears and spar structures etc. Cleaning of various components of aeroplane. 🔸 Surface preparation de-painting and re-painting, thermal spray of aeroplanes and its parts & thermal spray. Peening of landing gear parts and secondary Peening. Peening of hydraulic shafts and linkages. 🔸 Peening of electrical parts and connections. Maintenance and cleaning of all external surfaces. Peening of welds and joints. Peening of jet engine components : blades, valves, spindles, shafts, intakes. Peening to form airfoils. General secondary Peening-air frame surfaces. All electrical, hydraulic, electronic and instrument parts for corrosion removal. Maintenance Peening-jet engine components for renewal. 🔸 Peening wing stringers and structural parts. Peening door seals and frames. Spot cleaning of aluminum corrosion on exterior surfaces. Peening instrument shafts and parts. Peening electronic connectors. Cleaning after heat treatment-all types of HT aluminum and steel. 🔸 Cleaning for preparation for coating on electrical or other surfaces.